There’s nothing quite like a chilled cup of yogurt on a hot summer day. Yogurt is a healthy and delicious food that can be enjoyed as part of a nutritious diet. It can be eaten plain or added to other foods.
Yogurt is made from milk that has been fermented by bacteria. This fermentation process gives yogurt its characteristic tangy taste and thick consistency.
What’s more, it is a good source of protein, calcium, and vitamin D. It also contains live bacteria, which can be beneficial for gut health.
However, like all dairy products, yogurt can spoil and go bad. It is important to know how to tell if yogurt is bad so that you can avoid eating spoiled yogurt.
In this article, I’ll cover 5 of the easiest signs to tell if yogurt has gone bad. If you see any of these signs, throw the yogurt away and do not eat it.
Let’s go through each one in-depth.
Table of Contents
How to Tell if Yogurt Is Bad?
1. The Yogurt Has a Sour Smell
When it comes to yogurt, the smell is a good indicator of freshness. Good yogurt should have a mild, slightly sweet smell.
If the yogurt smells sour, it is probably bad. You may also notice other off-putting aromas, such as a vomit-like smell or a rotting egg smell. These are signs that the yogurt has gone bad and should not be eaten.
2. The Yogurt Is Lumpy or Watery
Another sign that yogurt has gone bad is a change in its consistency. When yogurt goes bad, it can become lumpy or watery.
If the yogurt is lumpy, this is usually due to the growth of bacteria. This can happen if the yogurt is stored at a temperature that is too hot or if it is left out of the fridge for too long.
Watery consistency can be caused by several factors, including heat, humidity, milk not fermented properly, or a bacterial imbalance. If the yogurt has a watery consistency, it should be discarded.
The same goes for yogurt that has chunks floating in it; this can be an indication that the yogurt has spoiled.
3. The Yogurt Has Changed Color
Yogurt is typically white or off-white in color. However, some types of yogurt may be slightly different colors, such as pink or green.
If you see any drastic changes in color, this is a sign that the yogurt has gone bad. For example, if the yogurt turns green or blue, this is a sign of mold growth and the yogurt should not be eaten.
4. The Yogurt Has Mold Growing on It
Mold is another sure sign that yogurt has gone bad. Mold can be white, black, green, or any other color.
If you see mold growing on the surface of the yogurt, do not attempt to scrape it off. The mold has likely already contaminated the entire yogurt.
5. Check Expiry Date
If you are unsure whether the yogurt is bad, check the expiry date. Yogurt typically has a shelf life of two to three weeks.
However, this may vary depending on the type of yogurt and how it is stored. For example, Greek yogurt has a longer shelf life than regular yogurt. If the yogurt is past its expiry date, it is best to throw it away.
If you see any signs that the yogurt has gone bad, throw it away and do not eat it. Eating spoiled yogurt can cause food poisoning, so it is best to err on the side of caution.
How Long Can Yogurt Sit Out On The Counter?

Most people have probably experienced the feeling of reaching for a yogurt that’s been sitting out on the counter only to find that it’s gone bad. But how long can yogurt actually sit out before it needs to be thrown away?
It turns out that the answer to this question depends on a few different factors, including the type of yogurt, the temperature of the room, and how long it’s been sitting out.
For instance, plain yogurt will generally last longer than fruit-flavored yogurt, and yogurt that’s been stored at a cooler temperature will last longer than yogurt that’s been stored at a warmer temperature.
In general, though, most yogurts will be fine if they’ve been sitting out for no more than two hours. After two hours, the live and active cultures in yogurt begin to die, making the yogurt less effective as a probiotic food.
Additionally, the warmer temperature encourages the growth of harmful bacteria, which can cause food poisoning.
As a result, it is best to consume yogurt within two hours of taking it out of the refrigerator. If you can’t eat it within that time frame, be sure to put it back in the fridge as soon as possible.
How Long Does Yogurt Last After Opening?
Once you’ve opened a carton of yogurt, you might be wondering how long it’s still good for. The answer to that question depends on a few factors, including the type of yogurt and how it’s been stored.
Generally speaking, yogurt will last for about a week after it’s been opened. However, if you store it in the fridge, it may last up to two weeks.
Greek yogurt tends to last a bit longer than regular yogurt thanks to its higher protein content.
Greek Yogurt vs Regular Yogurt

There has been debate over which type of yogurt is best for these purposes: Greek yogurt or regular yogurt?
Greek yogurt is made from strained whey, resulting in a thicker, creamier texture. It also contains more protein than regular yogurt, making it a popular choice for athletes and bodybuilders.
Regular yogurt, on the other hand, is less expensive and easier to find in stores.
In terms of probiotics, both types of yogurt contain live and active cultures. However, Greek yogurt typically contains more probiotics than regular yogurt.
Ultimately, the choice between Greek yogurt and regular yogurt comes down to personal preference. Both types offer benefits that can be enjoyed as part of a healthy diet.
Related: How to Tell if Sour Cream Is Bad?
How to Prevent Your Yogurt from Going Bad?
Yogurt can also go bad quickly if it is not stored properly. There are a few simple steps that you can take to prevent your yogurt from going bad.
First, make sure to buy yogurt that has a “sell by” date that is far in the future.
Second, store the yogurt in the refrigerator immediately after opening it.
Third, Tightly seal the container after each use. Fourth, don’t leave the yogurt out of the fridge for more than two hours.
By following these simple tips, you can help to ensure that your yogurt stays fresh and delicious for as long as possible.
In conclusion, there are several signs that yogurt has gone bad. If the yogurt has a sour smell, lumpy or watery consistency, changed color, or mold growing on it, it should be discarded.
It is also important to check the expiry date before eating yogurt. If the yogurt is past its expiry date, it is best to throw it away.
Hope this article was helpful. If you have any further questions, please feel free to comment.